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Update/Reminders: Week of Sept. 25, 2017


Safety is a top priority at Georgetown.  We recently learned and practiced three types of drills, and what they look like and sound like.  During our tornado, fire, and lock-down drills, our fourth graders did a great job! I appreciate their respectful ways and for taking these seriously, which helps to keep all of us safe.

Here’s what we’ve been studying:

Math: We learned and practiced different adding methods of groups, regrouping, as well estimating and adding with mental math. We also have been subtracting from the thousands and applying our knowledge of ungrouping (borrowing).

Social Studies: Our Economics Unit continues. We are learning about a Market Economy and the many components that tie together with it.  We continue to learn many more vocabulary terms and attempt to make connections to them.

Writing Workshop: We are deep into our personal writing pieces. We have learned about sensory details, transitional words and how to slant our stories by telling the internal story.  We are now attempting to elaborate our stories all while thinking about these important strategies.

Reading Workshop: We have been practicing how to see the story we are reading in our mind. We also learned problem-solving strategies for what to do when we are confused by what we have just read, as well as when we come to words that we cannot pronounce or do not understand.

Important Reminders:

* Due Monday, Sept., 25: All Walk-A-Thon money is due on Monday. Thank you again for your support!

* Homework: Read a minimum of 20 minutes every night.  Remember to log minutes and pages on your reading log.

*Math Homework: Please continue to encourage your child to independently try their personal best and return it the following day to school.

*Eagle Pride Day: Friday, Sept. 29 – Dress in your Eagle Colors (blue and gold)!

*Turkey Trot: Tues., Oct. 24. Information arrived home this past week.  The registration deadline is Oct. 5.  For an additional form, please visit this link to our PE Blog.

*Hot Lunch Money: If your child orders hot lunch, please remember to send in their payment in a sealed envelope addressed “Hot Lunch” with your child’s name, teacher, and grade. This will ensure that payment is being applied to the correct student account.

The warm temperatures make it deceiving, but autumn is officially here!  I wish you a very Happy Fall!

: ) Mrs. Estefan


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