My hope is that your new year is off to a terrific start!
As we wind down from the holiday break, preparing to gather back to school and our daily schedule, below you will find a list of some important reminders.
May this find you all happy, healthy and well, having enjoyed time with family.
Take care, and welcome back!!!
: ) Mrs. Estefan
Important Information and Reminders:
*Welcome Back: We will return to school on Monday, January 4!
*Winter Wear: Double check that all gear is labeled with their last name.
*Book-It Calendar: Don’t forget to return your December calendar for a personal pan pizza coupon. It’s exciting to see how many minutes you have read!
*Backpack Snack: Thank you for packing a healthy daily snack for your child.
*District Issued Computers: If you were issued a school computer to borrow during our remote learning time, please plan to return it with any additional cords to school this week. Thank you!
*Library: Thank you for your support! Please continue to help your child return their library book(s) each Wednesday so that they may check out new books of interest.
*Book & Reading Log: Please remind your child to return their book & reading log each day to school. They will have an opportunity to read during their Individualized Reading Time. I like to periodically touch base to listen to the children read and see if they have selected a “good fit” book.
*Early Release Day: We will dismiss at 12:15pm on Friday, Jan. 15. Please let your child know if you would like them to order a sack lunch that day.