Social Studies: This week, our conversation about the Pilgrims and their travels on the Mayflower made for a great connection to our recent unit on “Wants and Needs.” We read and discussed about the Pilgrims, why they had left England and what life was like for them on the Mayflower and after they arrived to the new land. We also compared our current day life with the life of the Pilgrim children. Our class enjoyed creating their very own version of a Pilgrim boy or girl in their traditional wear. Their creations were impressive and will arrive home next week!
Writers Workshop: We using our scientific knowledge of asking questions and looking for details to describe, illustrate and write facts about our final topic, acorns. Keep a look out for their mini books, as they will arrive home next week!
Reading Workshop: We continued learning and using our reading strategies to help us be Super Readers! I am so impressed by how the boys and girls are being conscious about what strategies they could possibly use to help them decode words, like Eagle Eye, Lips the Fish and Stretchy Snake. Chunky Monkey is a new favorite of many, where they look for smaller “chunks” within words to help them read it. We also continued our learning and understanding of character and setting. We enjoyed reading many versions of the story Stone Soup. We all learned the importance that if we all work to help, our help will benefit many. Together we created our very own Stone Soup! (Thank you so much for the many donations of veggies!!) We also were quite excited to receive an invitation from Mrs. Bohl’s Kindergarten class to join them for Stone Soup as well! We enjoyed coming together to share food in friendship and made an important connection to Thanksgiving.
Math: We saw patterns when creating numbers one through ten, used 5-groups to help us make numbers and count them quickly, and practiced the concept of adding 1 and subtracting by X’ing off. Shape work and recognition was also reviewed. Thank you for your continued support with math homework. We are feeling ready for our upcoming Unit 2 test!
P.E Cares: Our Kindergarten class family cares so much!! Thank you to everyone who helped contribute to this years PE Cares food drive. Our class alone helped to raise 191 food items to donate! This contribution went towards our school wide donation of 2,653 items! Thank you for your generosity to help those in need.
Mystery Reader: Iskandar blushed and happily greeted his mom when she arrived to our classroom door! Mrs. Hindeleh was our Mystery Reader this week, and she shared the Dr. Seuss book, “Show Me The Honey,” by Tish Rabe. This was a story favorite of Iskandar’s and he knew the book very well! Thank you, Mrs. Hindeleh, for stopping by to visit us as a Mystery Reader and for sharing a fun story about bees with some fun rhyme woven within it!
Super Stars of the Week Were: Iskandar with his turtle named “Zippy,” and Cassie with “Slippery” the seal. Thank you all for sharing your special lovies with us this week! We are now beginning our 3rd round of Super Stars and the children are very excited to bring home a special backpack containing a journal to write about our overnight adventures with KinderCuddles the teddy bear.
Popcorn Words for the Week: “am,” “are,” “little
Important Information and Reminders:
- Holiday Gift Book Exchange: A green letter came home with your child attached to our latest book order. It contained information regarding our class holiday book exchange where each child is asked to bring a wrapped $5 or less non-gendered book for a Kindergarten classmate. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
- Book Orders: All book orders are due by Tuesday, November 22. You may place your order directly online, or you may order and pay by check to Scholastic Reading Clubs.
- No School: School will be closed November 23, 24 and 25 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.
- Early Release Day: On December 2, school will be dismissed at 12:15pm. If your child will need to order a sack lunch on that day, please discuss this with them to ensure that they order, and/or send a note also requesting your order. Thank you.
- Holiday Music Program: Tuesday, December 13, at Fair Haven Church, our Kindergarten students will participate in our school’s holiday music program. Students in grades K-2, will perform at 6:30pm. More information to come soon.
- Backpack Snacks: Please remember to pack a healthy daily snack for your child to eat each afternoon at school.
- Holiday Gift Shop: This will take place the week of December 5. Information arrived home with your child on Friday. If you are interested in volunteering at the gift shop, please contact Erin Fredricks:
Enjoy the first snow fall of the season!
: ) Mrs. Estefan