The Three Bears (Reading and Writing Workshop): We have enjoyed tying our reading and writing workshop units together this month with a common theme. It has truly been fun and motivating for the children. This week, we read many versions of Goldilock’s and the Three Bears. The class enjoyed seeing the similarities and differences in each edition. I have been so impressed by their ability to apply our Shape-Go retelling map to the story! We read a collection of non-fictional books about bears and located many interesting facts. We bridged this research to help us write our informational writings “All About Bears.” The writings by the children have been SO impressive! I cannot wait for next weeks theme so we can do it again!
Math: We revisited our knowledge and recall of shapes. We looked at and compared 2-D versus 3-D shapes, such as triangle with the pyramid and cone, circle with the sphere, square with the cube, and rectangle with the cylinder. We went on a hunt throughout our classroom and were amazed by the many objects from our everyday lives that resembled our 3-D shapes (like a soup can, ball, ice cream cone, party hat, etc.). This will be the completion of Unit #4 and we anticipate our assessment test later in the week.
Surprise Delivery!: This week, we were gifted with an “egg”stra special delivery by a very special librarian friend named Ms. Debbie. Ms. Debbie’s daughter, Rachel, owns a variety of animals, including chickens, and when she learned that we were researching chickens in connection to the Little Ren Hen last week, she knew the perfect artifact for us to observe. The class was so excited to see real hen eggs in the beautiful shades of tan, brownish-orange and greenish-blue! Thank you Ms. Debbie and Rachel for your thoughtfulness, generosity and interest in our Kindergarten learning! We appreciate kind people like you!!
Popcorn Words for the Week Were: “there, “where,” “were”
Important Information and Reminders:
- Daylight Savings Time: Remember to turn your clocks forward this weekend.
- Book Fair: Will take place this week, March 13-16. Our class will preview on Mon., March 13 and have an opportunity to purchase on Wed., March 15. Information arrived home with your child this past week.
- Library: Due to the book fair in the library, there will be no library this week. Your child may enjoy their book for another week.
- Friday, March 17: Wear comfy clothes and/or green on Friday!
- Take Home Books: Please help your child remember to return their book baggie EACH Monday, Wednesday and Friday so that they are consistent with their read aloud practice and are able to check out a new book each time to build their reading experiences. Don’t forget to sign the parent sheet and include comments or observations you feel may be helpful.
- Backpack Snack: Please remember to send a healthy daily snack for your child, as we take a moment to refuel each day in the afternoon. Thank you.
- Winter Clothing: THANK YOU for sending your child with all gear! It is cold out there on the playground!! Thank you!
- Spring Break Dates: No school Friday, March 31 through Friday, April 7. School will resume on Monday, April 10.
Have a wonderful weekend!
: ) Mrs. Estefan