Fall Party: We all had a fun time during our spread-out day of festivities! It included fun games, a cool and creative clip craft, a treat, along with seasonal themes throughout or main subjects of learning! The class did a wonderful job! Special thanks to to everyone who kindly donated supplies to help make our day so special! Below are pictures of the cool costumes our class wore to school!
Here’s what we’ve been studying in Fourth Grade!
Math: Unit 2 is has provided us with fun lessons and exciting challenges. We have been learning new methods in multiplication. We have practiced the Place Values Sections Method, Expanded Notation Method, Algebraic Method, and the Shortcut Method. These have helped us to multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers, and it is quite fun!!
Social Studies: We enjoyed learning a little about each presidential candidate, the three branches of government, as well as about the electoral votes while looking at a map of our country.
Writing Workshop: We have had an opportunity to learn about and apply our lessons from our Realistic Fiction writing unit into a practice writing piece. We recently learned tips for how to create a strong ending. As we enter the editing process, the class is finding it helpful to read their stories aloud to their classmates. I enjoy listening to the thoughtful suggestions they are providing one another. We will soon begin another piece independently.
Reading Workshop: Our class enjoyed the book, “The Tiger Rising,” by Kate DiCamillo. We learned a lot about characters in his unit. We are now excited to enter into our unit about reading Non-Fiction text.
*Turkey Trot: Turkey Trot shirts were sent home on Friday with all those who signed up online. Have fun running (this weekend will be a great time to do so!) and be sure to take pictures!
*Parent-Teacher Conferences: These will take place the evenings of Nov. 16 and Nov. 18. Thank you for signing up online for a time slot. I look forward to meeting with you soon to discuss your child’s progress!
*Report Cards: Elementary schools have made the shift from trimesters to semesters, so report cards will occur twice a year.
*Scholastic Book Fair: Our class will preview the book fair on Tuesday, Nov. 17 and have the opportunity to purchase on Thursday, Nov. 19. More information will arrive home next week.
An online shopping is available for the book fair as well. The below link will be available for you to shop from Nov. 11 – 24. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/georgetownelementaryschool2
*Jet’s Pizza: This week’s fundraiser will take place Thurs., Nov. 12. When ordering, please remember to let them know your child’s teacher name.
*Early Release Day: We will dismiss at 12:15pm this Friday, Nov. 13. Please let your child know if you would like them to order a sack lunch that day.
*PE CARES (Collecting And Receiving Essential Supplies): Thank you for a great start in your help to collect food! This drive will continue to accept donations through Nov. 18. For more information, please click this link.
*Backpack Snack: Thank you for packing a healthy daily snack for your child.
*Thanksgiving Break: There will be no school for students beginning Wed., November 25 through Fri., November 23. Students will return to school on Monday, November 30.
I hope you can enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!
: ) Mrs. Estefan