Fall Party: We all had a fun time at our Halloween Party! It included fun games, requiring teamwork and strategy, spooky writings, a fun Reader’s Theater, and a freaky, yet yummy, treat! The class did a wonderful job! The kids enjoyed having the festivities sprinkled throughout the day and expressed it was one of their favorite party days! A big thank you to these parents who kindly donated to our party: Mrs. Giffin, Mrs. Husted, Mrs. Parnacott, Mrs. Sliwa, Mrs. Bragg, Mrs. Vogel, Mrs. Stiles and Mrs. Berry. Click on this link to a video of our fall party memories!
Here’s what we’ve been studying in Fourth Grade!
Math: Unit 2 is has provided us with fun lessons and exciting challenges. We have been learning new methods in multiplication. We have practiced the Place Values Sections Method, Expanded Notation Method, Algebraic Method, and the Short Cut Method. These have helped us to multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers, and it is quite fun!! We are also diving into story problems with multiplication that has too little or too much information.
Social Studies: We continue with our Geography unit, and have gained a great understanding of our world and the push and pull that moved people across our country.
Writing Workshop: We are nearing the conclusion of our Realistic Fiction writing unit. We learned tips for how to create a strong ending. As we enter the editing process, the class is finding it helpful to read their stories aloud to their partners. I enjoy listening to the thoughtful suggestions they are providing one another. Our final drafts are in sight.
* Warm clothing: The weather is definitely cooler! Please be sure to label the tags of your child’s fall/winter outerwear with you last name. This will help a lot should they misplace it!
*Picture Retake Day: Tuesday, Nov. 2. If having your child’s picture retaken, please be sure to return their original prints with them on the day of retakes. Thank you.
*Daylight Savings Time: Remember to turn your clocks BACK for an extra hour next weekend, Nov. 7.
*Early Release Day: We will dismiss at 12:15pm, Friday, Nov. 12.
*Parent-Teacher Conferences: Thank you to those who completed the survey. Keep a lookout for my sign-up on Calendly which will be available for you this week. Conferences will take place Nov. 16 and 18. I look forward to meeting with you soon!
*Report Cards: A reminder that we are on semesters, so these will be sent home in January and June.
*Backpack Snack: Thank you for packing a healthy daily snack for your child.
*Thanksgiving Break: There will be no school for students beginning Wed., November 24 through Fri., November 26. Students will return to school on Monday, November 29.
*Holiday Music Program: Mark your calendars! Our music program will take place on Tues., December 7. More information to come!
I hope your weekend has been safe and fun!
: ) Mrs. Estefan