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Thank You For Coming!


thank you badgeParent Teacher Conferences:  Thank you!!  I so enjoyed visiting with you all this past week for our Parent Teacher Conferences.  It was a pleasure to share the exciting Kindergarten goals that we are working towards this year, but most of all to share the strides your Kindergartners have made in these first two months of school.  Your interest and support is appreciated and I look forward to working with you and your child this year.

teacher read aloudLiteracy Centers:  We are enjoying our lessons to grow as readers!  The children are especially excited to build their sight word base and find them in their reading, as well as incorporate them into their writing.  Mrs. Hatfield, our parapro, and I are enjoying meeting with the children in smaller groups throughout the week to build our understanding and strategies as readers.  Feel free to refer to our monthly calendars to see which popcorn words your child is learning each week to encourage and practice at home.

mathMath:  We are building our understanding in the numbers 6-10.  We have discussed, practiced, drawn and pulled apart the value for each and are having fun while doing it.  The children are especially enjoying number stories about real life happenings and using math to figure out the answer.

pencil bugWriters Workshop: We are scientists!  Yes, with careful eyes, we looked for details to describe everyday objects.  We put these skills to the test by observing acorns from our playground and writing a mini-book that included detailed picture drawings of our acorns, along with specific facts we observed about our acorns.  We made our writing complete by giving it a cover page which included a title and our names as the author.  :)

letters abcHandwriting:  We learned the letters X, Y, and Z, which completed the Corner Starting Letters of this unit.  Next week, we will move onto Magic C letters!

book faceMystery Reader:  Anthony’s mom, Mrs. Fumarolo, was our Mystery Reader this week, and she shared with us “Scary Snakes,” by Laaren Brown.  It was a great non-fiction books that shared lots of cool facts about snakes.  Thanks, Mrs. Fumarolo, for stopping by for a surprise visit and sharing with us such a neat book!

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star smilingSuper Stars of the Week Were:  Luke with his special Dumbo from Disney, Taleah with her pink bear named Ballerina, Matthew with his colorful puppy named “Spotty,” and Lily with her special Simba.  :)

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seasonsNovember in Michigan:  Michigan always seems to surprise us when it comes to the weather, but last weeks mild temperatures were a warm welcome!  Literally!  Here are a few pictures of our friends enjoying the beautiful weather.

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popcorn boxPopcorn Words of the Week Were:  “like,” “here”

remember stickiesImportant Information and Reminders:

  • Popcorn Words:  Orange popcorn words were recently sent home for you and your child to use and keep.  The children are very excited to become readers, so please encourage practice fun so that your child gains a good recall for both ease in reading and confidence in ability.
  • Outdoor Clothes:  Please dress your child for the changing weather.  Cooler temps are on the way!
  • Backpack Snack:  Thank you for packing a healthy daily nut-free snack for your child.
  • Library:  Library resumes this week.  Please remind your child to return their book to check out a new one.
  • PE CARES (Collecting And Receiving Essential Supplies):  Thank you for a great start in your help to collect food.  This drive will continue through Nov.20.  The class that has the most donations will receive a PE CARES t-shirt and a trip to Hudsonville Lanes!  Please visit the PE BLOG for the more details.
  • Thanksgiving Break:  There will be no school for students beginning Wed., November 25 through Fri., November 27.  Students will return to school on Monday, November 30.
  • Holiday Music Program:  Mark your calendars!  Our music program will take place on Tues, December 1.  More information to come!

Have an enjoyable weekend!

: ) Mrs. Estefan

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