Writing Workshop: Learning how to take a position and explain “why” has been great experience for our Kindergartners. Usually, children are the ones asking why, but in this case, they are the ones who are thinking about that very question and explaining their reason. From ice cream in a cone or bowl, to what kind of pet would you like to have, their favorite special or playground equipment, in each case they had to choose one and explain their reason. I have truly enjoyed reading and hearing about their wonderful reasons why! The next time your child asks you why, be ready to share your thoughtful reason, and don’t hesitate to ask them the same.
Reading Workshop: This week we have worked on recall and comprehension with the help of our Shape-Go Map. This has also been a great tool to help us think about the lesson a story is trying to tell and teach us about within our fictional stories. We have also practiced making connections between the text to self (how we can personally relate to the story we are reading). I am very proud of the children and their ability to relate and explain.
Mystery Reader: Mr. Matzen, also known as Sergeant Matzen, affectionately known as Dad by Brecken, came in and made an extra special Mystery Reader visit this week to our Kindergarten classroom. He began his time with us by sharing a special book called, “When I Grow Up,” by Al Yankovic. This was a great segway to talk about and show what Mr. Matzen became when he grew up. The second part of his exciting visit was a walk outside to see and learn about his police cruiser. The class thought it was awesome and especially loved the chance to get up close to look and sit inside of it. So very cool!! Thank you, Sergeant Matzen, for a memorable visit!
Popcorn Words for the Week Were: “play,” “today,” “away,” “up”
Important Information and Reminders:
- Backpack Snack: Everyday – remember to pack a healthy nut-free snack.
- Artwork – Coming Home!: Friday, May 27 – All artwork will come home with your child on the bus. You may also choose to pick up your child and their artwork at the end of the day, if you like. If so, please be sure to send me a note or email about the change in transportation for that day so I can plan accordingly. Thanks!
- Memorial Day: Monday, May 30 – No school.
- Kindergarten Olympics: Friday morning, June 3.
- Last Day of School: Friday, June 10. Dismissal at 1:00pm.
Take time to enjoy this BEAUTIFUL weekend!!
: ) Mrs. Estefan