Firefighters: Georgetown Firefighters Kent (Grace’s Dad!!), Rob, Aaron, and Captain Ross, paid our Kindergarten classes a visit this week. They shared some important tips about fire safety. We were able to listen to what a real smoke detector alarm sounds like and how it helps us to know to get out of our home and away from a house fire. The firefighters would like to give all families a homework assignment to remember to devise a plan and meeting place in the event of a home fire and remind all families to change the batteries on all home smoke detectors. They also explained and reminded us to never touch matches or lighters, to get “low and go” if there is a fire, “stop-drop-roll” if you catch on fire, and to dial #911 only in an emergency. We also had a chance to see the many parts to a firefighters uniform, as well as take a look at a real fire truck! A big thank you to the Georgetown Township Fire Department for visiting our Kindergartners and helping to teach us how to stay safe!
Handwriting: Our final three numbers to learn the proper formation of were:
8= Make an “S,” do not wait, that’s the way to make an eight!
9= Loop and a line, that’s a nine!
10= Straight line down, and around with a grin, that’s the way to make a ten!
We have now successfully completed our lessons with number writing! Their personal booklets arrived home on Friday. Inside their booklet you will find the poems we have learned. Please encourage continued practice for a fun supplement at home.
Reading Workshop: We learned and discussed what partner reading looked like and sounded like. We practiced “how to read to self,” as well as a “partner reading” strategy of Elbow, Elbow, Knee, Knee, while using our favorite Peanut Butter and Jelly strategy to take turns. The children enjoyed the chance to read their latest popcorn book aloud to their partner. The boys and girls did a great job using their pointer finger to follow along with the text. We have also been learning some fun reading strategies like, Eagle Eye (where we look at the pictures for clues to help us read), Lips the Fish (get our lips ready to read), and Stretchy Snake (stretch out each letter sound to hear the word). Reading is fun!
Walk-A-Thon Winners! Everyone at Georgetown was a winner, thanks to the awesome Georgetown families by their GENEROUS donations and love to our school! Our own Kindergarten class had a couple student winners of some really great prizes! Congratulations to:
Claire Pepper: Scholastic Gift Card Winner towards the Fall Book Fair!
Kadon Condon: Terry Hall Gift Card Winner!
To view the names of all the Walk-A-Thon Winners, please visit the Georgetown Elementary Blog. Thank you to EVERYONE for their support in our school fundraiser!!
Popcorn Fridays!: We have a wonderful Parent Club at Georgetown Elementary that hosts a special Popcorn Friday for all Georgetown students on the first Friday of each month. This past Friday was our very first time of the school year, and the children were very excited! Thank you, Parent Club, for this yummy treat!
Mystery Reader: Mrs. Ball, 5th grade teacher at Georgetown, was our surprise Mystery Reader this week!! She read the story, “The Invisible Boy,” by Trudy Ludwig. It was a thoughtful story that reminded us the importance to be kind and be a welcoming friend. Thank you, Mrs. Ball, for making a special visit to read to us!
Popcorn Words for the Week Were: “is,” “this,” “his,” “green”
Important Information and Reminders:
- Book orders: Will be due on Wednesday, Oct. 12.
- Early Release Day: Friday, Oct. 14 at 12:15pm.
- Purple Week: Wear the color purple on Friday, Oct. 14.
- Box Tops!: Please save and send in your Box Tops collections by October 21. These are an easy way to help raise money for our school. Simply clip from household products and send them back to school in a baggie with your child’s name, class and grade. Thanks!!
- Turkey Trot: The deadline may have passed, but you can still register the day of the race at 4:30pm, October 25, at Eagle Stadium. Hope to see you there!
- Fall Parade and Party: Mini parade at 2:10pm, followed by our party from 2:30-3:15pm, on Friday, October 28. Planning is underway thanks to many helpful parents – Thank you!
- Backpack Snack: Please remember to pack a healthy daily snack for your child each school day. Thank you!
- Library: Please help your child remember to return their books by Tuesday each week so they may check out a new book to enjoy.
Take time to enjoy this beautiful fall weekend!!
: ) Mrs. Estefan