Science: We kicked off our plant unit, by beginning the process of planting bean seeds. The children are very excited to see if there plants will really grow!
We read all about seeds and the parts of a seed. We discussed how they can come in many different colors and sizes.
A big thank you to Mrs. Bohl for sharing her seed collection with us. It was fun to discuss their characteristics and compare how they were alike and different. It was especially fun to try to figure out what kind each was!
Also as a follow-up, the children have been very passionate about their feelings towards taking care of the earth. There has been a lot of letter writing taking place, from letters to about cans found near the cattails, as well as how family members are utilizing the lights or water at home. The children shared some of their observations and how they hope to inform and educate others in order to make a change. I am so impressed by their passion and heart!
Writing Workshop: We enjoyed taking the time this month to revisit the many different types of writing styles that we have learn so far this year. The kids especially enjoyed their narrative writing, as they really like to share with one another about their personal experiences. Next week we will begin our Opinion Writing unit.
This is our new nature friend who has made a home outside of our classroom door. The children are very excited! They are also very protective and proud of this mama bird and anxiously await the arrival of her babies.
Mystery Reader: Sophia blushed and ran when her mom arrived as our Mystery Reader this week! Mrs. Parm shared two great stories with our class. The first was “Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of Mistaken Identity,” by Mo Willems, and the class did a great job of predicting what might happen. The second book was “The Goodnight Train,” by June Sobel. This was a family favorite given to them by their grandparents a long time ago and a great bedtime story. Thank you for coming to read to our class. We really enjoy listening to you read to us!
Popcorn Words of the Week Were: “how,” “about,” “now”
Important Information and Reminders:
- Take Home Books: The reading practice is paying off! Please remember to take time to read and return it for a chance to read aloud with our volunteers and check out a new book! We have only a few times left!
- Library: Every Tuesday, so be sure to return your book.
- Backpack Snack: Everyday – remember to pack a healthy one.
- May/June Calendar: Be sure to check your inbox soon for our May/June Kindergarten calendar.
- Field Trip: Wednesday, May 10, 9:00am -2:00pm, Hemlock Crossing County Park.
- Early Release Day: Friday, May 12 at 12:15pm. Sack lunches will be available to order.
- Kindergarten Olympics: Information regarding our Kindergarten Olympics arrived home with your child on Friday. If interested in volunteering to help with our group activities, please fill out the slip and return with your child by May 19. Thank you for considering!
- Memorial Day: Monday, May 29 – No school.
- Last Day of School/Early Dismissal: Friday, June 9, dismissal at 12:15pm.
Happy May!
: ) Mrs. Estefan